About Care England

Care England, a registered charity, is the leading representative body for independent care services in England.


Working on behalf of small, medium and large providers, Care England speaks with a single unified voice for both members and the whole care sector. Our membership includes organisations of varying types and sizes, amongst them single care homes, small local groups, national providers and not-for-profit voluntary organisations and associations. Between them they provide a variety of services for older people and those with long term conditions, learning disabilities or mental health problems.


Care England is committed to supporting a united, quality conscious, independent sector that offers real choice and value for money. Our aim is to create an environment in which care providers can continue to deliver and develop the high quality care that communities require and deserve.


A national voice for care providers


Care England is at the forefront of the national policy agenda and so we are ideally placed to put forward not just the views of our members but also those of the whole care sector. Care England is represented on key government and regulatory policy groups and we receive copies of all relevant sector consultation documents. This allows us to provide updates on policy and development and feed the comments of our members into the consultation process. Our contacts in government, regulation and commissioning also mean that we are able to lobby and influence views at the highest level.


We have a wide range of contacts across national and local media for whom we are frequently the first point of call for sector information. In return we forward them a regular supply of pro-active news stories and views about the issues of the day.


Care England’s vision for care services


Care England is working to promote and protect high standards for all care providers and users. Our vision is a future where:


The value of high quality independent care services is understood by all, not just service users and their families

Care services are properly funded and state funding is at a level which meets the real costs of providing high quality care

Providers are respected, treated fairly and have a voice in the strategic direction of social and health care services

Users have choice and the flexibility to select the care that best suits their requirements

Independent sector staff have appropriate training, fair pay and career structures in place

Delivering for you


‘Delivering for you’ contains a summary of Care England activities during the last year. It demonstrates not only our commitment to raising the profile of the sector, but also our efforts to obtain adequate funding and ensure a continuing high quality of care. Download a copy below.