About Nursing Homes Ireland

Nursing Homes Ireland is the representative organisation for Ireland’s private and voluntary nursing home sector. The sector, and the care our members provide, are of fundamental and critical importance to the Irish health service. The immense contribution they are making in Irish communities and healthcare are evident from the following. Such homes: • Provide care for nearly 21,500 residents • Account for more than 75% of all long term care beds in the country, and, • Employ more than 22,000 staff NHI’s vision that all residents of nursing homes receive high quality care is being realised through our Members’ commitments to: • Maintain and enhance the quality of life of residents • Preserve the autonomy of residents, guarantee free expression of opinion and freedom of choice • Maintain a safe physical and emotional environment • Ensure that the privacy and dignity of residents is respected • Be an employer of choice and provide continuous professional development and training It is our goal to ensure everyone who chooses a nursing home for the next step in their lives experiences a safe, happy, caring and fulfilling environment. Members are realising the goal and are being supported in doing so by Nursing Homes Ireland, a strong, unified, influential national representative organisation. NHI is committed to work with key stakeholders including the Irish Government, Health Service Executive (HSE), the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) and National Treatment Purchase Fund (NTPF) to ensure persons in nursing homes are receiving high quality, excellent care. Since its establishment in January 2008, Nursing Homes Ireland’s (NHI) considerable activities have resulted in recognition of NHI as the key representative organisation for the private and voluntary nursing home sector. Its reputable standing within the Irish health sector has resulted in it influencing Government policy and informing public debate. As our population is growing older and living longer, requirement for the specialist care provided by nursing homes is increasing significantly. The numbers of persons living longer is rapidly accelerating and NHI believes the Government must plan now to ensure our sector is supported in meeting the significant growth in demand for long-term residential care. NHI’s experience, ideas and expertise can play a lead role in influencing and shaping public policy surrounding the growth in requirement for the specialist care nursing homes provide.